Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. We, at Orchard Villa Elementary School, believe that all students have the right and ability to learn. Through the collective efforts of all stakeholders, we will ensure that every child is prepared and equipped to become productive citizens in this ever-advancing technological society. Our theme for this school year is Diving Deep into Knowledge…Destination Excellence. We have been hard at work preparing the curriculum and our campus for an exciting year of teaching and learning. We are excited to announce that our school grade is still a letter “B”. This letter grade continues to stay because of the hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence by our students, teachers, parents, support staff, and community. I want to assure you that the safety and well-being of your child are my number one priority. Our staff has devised an organized and systematic plan to always monitor our students and campus. This is evidenced by new school site procedures and check-in points. Your support and cooperation of these policies will ensure that maintaining a safe and secure school is every stakeholder’s priority. Orchard Villa Elementary School staff will ensure that our students continue to receive high-quality instruction in an aligned and coherent system while addressing their social and emotional needs in a safe and engaging environment. This year’s academic focus will continue to focus on research-based resources to deliver standards-driven content with Florida’s B.E.S.T. Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. We will continue to provide targeted interventions to ensure that every child’s diverse needs are addressed. Through strong collaboration, the success of our students is immeasurable. It is only together that we can create and foster a culture that is positive, engaging, and conducive to academic and personal growth for everyone. I look forward to working alongside you to achieve these goals.
Tanya S. Daly-Barnes